Wednesday, March 7, 2007

dancing baby

We had our first official doctor's appointment yesterday and everything went great. Just some routine questions and such. We had an ultrasound and got to see the baby dance. It looks like a baby now and not just a bean so it was really fun. The baby first had its feet up by its head, then both of its hands by its eyes, playing peek-a-boo. Then it was kicking and jumping, the doctor said it could have the hiccups. It also looked like it was sucking its thumb. The baby had its hand by its face and its head was bobbing up and down. It was truly amazing and so fun to see. I can't feel the baby kicking inside me, but the baby sure is kicking my butt! I am very tired and just not feeling good at all. Hopefully I only have a little less than 2 weeks left of the sickness. Peter, as always, is great. He had part of the day off yesterday so he got to come to the doctor. Then he became Mr. Homemaker. He went home and made blueberry muffins, roasted a chicken, including stuffing, then used the leftover bones to make chicken stock and also made homemade bread, with no bread machine! He is setting the bar high for when I hopefully can stay home! I love it and I can't believe how blessed I am. When you trust Jesus, He comes through better than you can expect. Here is the baby this week:


Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that the baby is a dancer. I remember Naomi standing in front of Gramma Joyce's sliding glass doors on the deck and watching herself perform!! I don't know of any history of dance in Peter's past but I'm maybe Oma Becky could fill us in on that!
Love you all!

Kiersten said...

Don't hold yourself to too high a bar. After all, what Peter can do on vacation without a baby or young child around is one thing--I count myself lucky if we all end up fed at the end of the day and the house isn't attracting bugs. It's absolutely amazing how much time, energy, and attention a tiny person consumes.... even when I was staying home, Mike did most of the dinner cooking...