On Monday morning when Peter was going to work he found out that both of our cars had been broken into over the weekend. (We rode with Sam to Hingham.) Only the ipod from my car was taken but they left the door of Peter's car open so the battery died. Not the way we wanted to start our week. Also, we took Kale to the doctor on Monday because his right eye had been weepy and had some gunk in it. The doctor said it might be an infection and now we are putting ointment in it. It is responding very well. However, it was quite a Monday and I decided to count my blessings instead of dwell on things that weren't going perfectly. Here are just a few:
~Much more could have been taken from our cars, including our cars.
~Our cars were not damaged.
~Kale is responding to the medicine and nothing more serious is wrong with him.
~Our little boy is growing and smiling.
~I am able to stay home and take care of Kale.
~I have a husband who loves me very much and adores our son.
~My family is coming to visit us this weekend.
~I got a special coffee on Monday.
~We had pizza for dinner the other night.
I have many, many more things in my life I am thankful for and really have no reason to complain when I think of the big picture. All in all, God takes care of us and helps us see the good in situations. Here is a picture of Kale sleeping this morning.
what a bummer about the cars...that must feel so invasive..and both cars...were there other cars in the parkinglot that got broken into? I'm sorry.
You're right there are always many more blessings that negative...you have a beautiful baby boy :)
We have Kales birth announcement on the fridge and I just squeal everytime I look at it :)
We love you guys!
wow, what a day indeed! glad you're looking so positively about things. by the way...did that pizza you had happen to be mackenzie river??? yumm yummy, tell me how good it was!! (i may be a little homesick right now, shhh...)
Oms, I had NO idea all that had happened to you! I would have hugged your neck the moment you stepped through my door tonight. I will have to make up for lost time tomorrow morning when we hang out. What a bummer about the cars, but I am glad nothing major was stolen (now you get to upgrade gadgets, right?), and I'm glad Kale's eye is responding. He's sure a cutie.
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