Such a big boy! Kale is now 3 months and more personality every day. As far as I can tell, Kale is a very happy baby. He smiles lots and is good at entertaining himself. The only time he throws fits is if he is not getting fed fast enough. He is still getting up once a night but sleeping until 6:00am more consitently. We'll get there eventually! We just noticed that he is a big fan of the tv already, something we aren't too happy about. I guess that just means we all get to watch less of it, which won't hurt anyone at all. Kale has started giggling a little bit and it makes our hearts smile. Peter is still loving his job and I love staying home with Kale. The tv could be off during the day much more though! I want to work on honoring the Lord by being more productive around our home. I am ashamed to say that it is easy for me to look up and see it is 3:30 and I have wasted the whole day. This is not the mother or wife that I want to be. Anyway, I hope you are all enjoying the Christmas season, I know we are!
It makes my day to see him smile! And to hear how happy all three of you are.
I am really envious of your beautiful tree. I wanted a tree this year but they are so expensive. I figure when we move into our own home we'll get one. I got a wreath and decorated it but it got destroyed outside by a storm we had a couple of weekends ago. So I brought it in and cleaned it up and stuck it on the wall and put our gifts under it. (at least its something green in the living room). I think Im going to go out this weekend and maybe get some lights for the windows.
I just love the holiday season :)Wish we were closer!
Productivity gets easier as babies get older. I'm sure Kale enjoys relaxed Mommy time with little agenda. Rest is important to being a good parent too.. especially in the first few months, I'm sure the Lord knows that.
We love you!
What a cutie!! I can't wait to see you all!!
-Auntie V
What a great 1st Christmas! Kale,
Nana and Gpa in Cal can't wait to hug you. Give your parents a great big hug for us. love you
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