kale had his first experience with "solids" this afternoon which gave peter a chance to play with our new video camera. the "actor" played the part perfectly in this film but all the artistic credit goes to the director and editor. i was out for the evening and peter worked so intently on editing this that he forgot he was also grilling his dinner and burned it to a crisp, literally. i think the finished product is worth it though.
posted by n
You truly have captured the Italian Cafe! I watched this with my mouth open, competing with Bug for the spoon! Kale seems very happy with cereal---oh what a delightful life with Bug.
Food IS love,
wonder if he'll like Chianti and lasagne?
I could watch this all day! I'd say he is definately ready for this step - he'll be eating pickles soon. A cute little bug for sure!
Grammie J
very precious--this reminded me of a segment on Sesame Street. Way to go, Peter.
Hey Moore family, You can tell Kale Bug is going to love his food. What a cute video. Wait till he really starts feeding himself. Bring in a hose to hose him off. We could have used a cement floor with a drain in the middle of the floor when the boys were little. Keep up the video editing-we'll watch for more. Miss you guys. Love yeah, The Hansens
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