he only gained 1 pound and 10 ounces since his 4 month check up but anything he lacks in size he makes up for in spunk. he is a super happy, easy going guy. he really only cries when he is tired or when i don't get my shirt up fast enough to feed him. he giggles when i wipe his little behind and bangs his feet on the changing table.
so far he has tried avocados, bananas, rice cereal, and sweet potatoes. his favorite is by far the bananas. he takes after his dad and loves the sweet stuff. feeding time is a sort of dance, trying to get a spoonful in while he doesn't have his fingers in his mouth.
he has just started putting things in his mouth.
he has started to balance while sitting more and maybe will be sitting up soon. he grabs for toys and really likes to put his fingers in my mouth. he squawks and yells and blows rasberries and we find everything he does incredibly brilliant.
Yeah!!!! New pictures! Not only is he incredibly brilliant but he is incredibly cute!! Love him up for us!
Grandma Joanie
I've been waiting for new pics. He is so stinkin' cute! Jack can't wait to play with him this weekend--and Josh can't wait to watch bow hunting videos with Peter. yahoo!
I just love my smiling happy little nephew!!!!
Can we please please please meet somewhere in the middle (Spokane or something)before next August.
i can't believe he is already six months old! time just flies, doesn't it? such cute pictures, as always! (oh, and by the way, we find out on friday if we're moving to alaska or oklahoma!)
I know routine is good, but I miss being able to coo at him and rock him and make Sara jealous while I hold him at homegroup!
Won't be long before you are having to run after him and put locks on all the cupboards!
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