Monday, March 31, 2008

still here

sometimes he likes to rub his face in his bib
we're working on it
grandpa sneaking bug his first pizza
all sprawled out, livin the life
a very rare occurance


Deeapaulitan said...

He is so dang cute. Love that last shot of him holding Peter's hand and his bottle! Too Precious!

Harvey Globetrotters said...

Great pics...even though we are still in Hawaii I have been checking the blog to see if there were any updates of Kale...I was hoping to see some pictures of when John was there though.

Glad you are all doing well.

Anonymous said...

That is the most adorable avocodo/banana covered face I have ever seen!!! I am impressed by how talented Peter is - multitasking by holding the baby, the bottle and the remote all at the same time!!
Love to you all!