uncle john came down from alaska to visit us and explore msu. he is probably coming down here for college next year.

he is very excited about it.

checking eachother out.

mama and kale working. i got a job with a company called vibevault. i will be working at home doing some web marketing for the ipod case they make. it really is amazing how smoothly this job came together and what a blessing it is for our family. especially the staying at home part! here is a shameless plug for the case:
(i actually sit on the couch all day drinking while kale does all the work)

a little nek-ed boy.

"you're going to put these pictures where?!"

"i see the toe"

"i want the toe"

"toes are so delicious"
kale is 7 months old and we're pretty sure he's working on some teeth. as you can see from the above picture, he wants to chew on everything. he sits up by himself pretty well but has taken some face plants in the process. we continue to learn that kale is an observer as he spends most of his time in a new place taking it all in. kind of like his mom and grandpa ray.
just a small glimpse into kale's life
I love that sweet boy!
Thank you for helping me today - it was a great blessing. Just like you.
This was the sweetest post. Love that little guy.
Makes me want to go get Jack out of bed and smooch him--but I won't. That would be just plain CRAZY!
ps--go Memphis and give me my money !
thank you for letting us peek in the window of your lives! Kale is SOOOO happy. You are all doing so wonderful! Thank you again for helping John take steps...
Love to all,
Oma & Opa
Fun to see John with Kale...I can't tell if he's just being goofy..or if he has no idea what he's doing with such a little guy...or both :) It will be so good for John to have you three near by next year...I'm jealous he'll get to spend more time with you guys though!
What a great post...I loved the little video with various clips..great great great!
Oh and mom told me about your job...that is huge...what a blessing indeed.
I see another family resemblance - Kale's muffin top over the top of his diaper looks just like mine over the top of my jeans!!! Looks better on him though. Thanks for so many great pictures and a video to keep me going for awhile.
Love you all!
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