Tuesday, September 23, 2008

after we put kale down to bed tonight he started crying. he has been protesting bed lately so we were letting him work it out. after about 25 minutes we decided we had had enough yelling. we walked in and found this...
since he can't get himself down, what we thought was him protesting bed was just him wanting to go to bed.


Anonymous said...

Good thing you lowered the mattress a long time ago!! I hope he figures out those knees are meant for bendin' soon. He'll fall asleep standing up!!!
Love you all
Grammie Joanie

kelsey said...

i didn't get this at first, i was so confused, but then i got that he doesn't know how to get himself on his knees or back yet. that's hilarious!!! poor kid!

Anonymous said...

awww poor little buddy haha. don't put him to sleep before i get there tonight, i wanna play!
-Auntie V