The helmet is still making an appearance now and then but definitely not as often. He only wears it now if he sees it whereas before he wore it non-stop, including a trip to library. We drove there.

A rare sunny and warm day so far this April.

Wearing their matching hats from Oma Becky.

A blizzard last week kept us inside all day.
Kale played play-doh.

We had a picnic in the living room.

The car tube made an appearance.

And we finished the day with some Thomas the Train. If I let him, he would watch this non-stop.

Last weekend Kale got a big boy bed. It was a surprisingly easy transition and only required a couple times of discipline. Above is a picture of how he goes down at night or nap time.

This is how he ends up.

Ah, brotherly love. They have started to interact more together and Joel thinks Kale is just the bee's knees. He must because he sure puts up with a lot of "lovin" from K!

Such a sweetie in a hand knit sweater from Oma Becky.
Adorable. All of the hand-knit goods are awesome. What talented omas you have.
You are a clever mama for having picnics in the living room.
The helmet.....cracks.me.up. Joel is getting so big. I am hoping to see all of them this weekend! we'll see........... :)
So glad Kale's transition to the big boy bed was less traumatic than M's and S's. Like Peter said, the Schuylers have set the bar so low that it's easy to do well! :)
I see that Kale has really claimed Joel's blanket also! Should I send Joel another?
I love how he wears his helmet. So funny. Also love the pic of "brotherly love." Hopefully the "love" will win out over the sibling fighting. We are now full fledged in that stage!
I had so much to get caught up on! I feel like I've been in the Twilight Zone or something and am just returning to planet Earth!
I miss seeing the boys every week. Especially with how much they are changing.
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