Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Little of this, little of that
I haven't been very good about taking pictures lately so this is just a mix from the last few weeks. Enjoy!
About a month ago, when it was actually warm, Peter and Kale hiked the "M". Well, Peter hiked while Kale cheered him on from the backpack. Kale loved it and apparently exclaimed, "We made it!" when they got back to the car. Must have been touch and go there for awhile. :)
Oh this buddy. For awhile when he first started scooting he would stick to our square of carpet in the living room. No longer. In the last few days I have found him in the playroom, laundry room, and under his exersaucer. He is a silent sleuth and I followed a trail of spit up to find him in the playroom yesterday.
I forgot to take an official 7 month picture so this will have to do. He sits up quite well now and has moved from his bumbo seat for meals into a real booster seat type highchair. He eats 3 solid meals a day and we have nicknamed him Joel Bird since he constantly has his mouth open for a bite of food. He has a bottom tooth poking through and loves to "godzilla" through his brother's train set.
Last week Peter's mom Becky came down to stay with the boys and Peter and I went on a wonderful getaway to Salt Lake City. I know, super romantic, but it was a place we could drive and it was south where it is supposed to be warmer. It wasn't. We woke up to snow the first day. However, I didn't care because I spent most of the day in my new favorite store, IKEA. We even went back the next day to do a little more shopping.
The store is set up with an upstairs showcasing many of their items and then the main floor is where you buy everything. This was my favorite kitchen set up.
We had an excellent time. We did whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. We didn't have to get home for naps and were even out and about after 7pm! We live a wild life I tell ya!
We walked by the stadium that the Utah Jazz play in and of course had to take a picture. Did Peter ever tell you he went to high school with Carlos Boozer?
On Memorial Day we went to the Schuylers for a delicious BBQ and smores. It was pouring rain though so we roasted marshmallows in the fireplace inside. They were still super yummy.
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Two very handsome young men.
I love that they fit in there together, how cute! IKEA is wonderful and everytime we go west I try to get to one and never succeed, I am jealous.
You DO live an exciting life!! I think I might go crazy if this weather doesn't turn around. The other day I actually thought about seeing if plane tickets to the Gulf Coast were cheap due to the oil gush so I could at least get some sunshine.
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