Peter set this tent up Friday night and K cannot get enough. He slept in it all night and his nap today. I never would have liked this as a kid, being too scared of getting trapped or something similar. Not only does Kale have no fear, he wants the door zippered shut. Such a boy!
Joel wears this age well. He sleeps 13 hours a night plus 2 naps during the day. He only cries if he is tired or hungry and keeps this mama busy! All around a happy baby who will be beating up on his brother before we know it!
Even though they don't "play" together necessarily, they play near one another and the giggles are becoming more frequent.
Every recipe we have tried from this website has been delicious. We fight over the leftovers from this salad and I ate 3 of these cookies tonight. Also highly recommend these biscuits. (I didn't make them but finished off about 4!)
What are you loving right now?
Hope you saved some of those cookies for me! Yum! Also, wonderful J's sideways smirk. :)
I love that you are finding time to update the blog with everything else you have going on. Thank you!!
I love having B back, even though he takes up too much of my time and drives me nuts all to often, I was kind of lost without him around. I am loving how my flowers are growing despite barely seeing the sun. I am loving Cherry Creek Fishing Access and plan to ease B (and R!) into hiking by touring there a few times. I am loving trying new exercise DVDs as long as they are short, and feeling new soreness in muscles (this is all very VERY new to me). I am loving 30Rock with R, who didn't think he'd like it, but totally does. I am loving that B dances with me, rather than laughing, when I shake my groove thang. :)
Kale and Joel look so much older in this last picture...Johnny and I just stared at it for a while. So lovely to get a glimps at your lives. Love all four of you!!!
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