And every other person who thinks our kids are cute, here are about a million pictures.

Very into baseball since Dad brought him back a Cubs hat from Chicago.

K is also particular about how you play baseball. The pitcher must wear this hat.

Joel just likes to watch and eat grass.

Chillin' by the firepit.

Yummy chocolate cake for Doug's birthday.

K loves fireworks, just like he loves lawnmowers, tractors, and anything else loud. From a distance. We didn't last long outside before K wanted to go inside to watch.

At Hyalite Creek on Father's day. Sadly, this is the best picture we caught of me with the 2 kiddos. You should see the others!

About to hike upstream to catch some fish!

Admiring his daddy.

According to him, he caught around 20.

What else do you need?

Pete with his 2 boys on Father's Day.

Figured out how to get a drink by himself.

We went up to Hingham for my all school reunion and other festivities last weekend. We visited some friends of ours who have a tractor. Notice this tractor is not on. As soon as it started up, K wanted nothing to do with it.

Beforehand though, he had a blast!

Rudyard, the town I went to school in, celebrated its 100 year birthday. There was a parade, street dance, and fireworks among other things. It was really fun and we all needed naps by the end of it.

When you're in Hingham you can ride in the front seat.


Yummy smores in Oma Joanie and Papa Ray's backyard.

A perfect end to a perfect weekend.
These are over the top adorable! Each picture is lickable! thank you for posting the one million pictures, I want more.
love oma becky
loved this update. love your cute kids.
Joel is looking so much like Kale in these pictures! They both look like so much fun, I'm glad you're having a good summer. Miss you guys.
I love pictures!! And your hair is getting so long! We neeed to plan that girls weekend again, really really bad.
Oh my, you are really making me jealous now! I love their character in these photos! We are SO excited to see you guys in a couple weeks.
El NiƱo Y Tu Pilin
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