After finally running out of excuses to postpone potty training Kale, I embarked on the task the week of his birthday. Genius, I know but I knew it would always be something if we didn't just tackle it! I used this book and you can read more about the method here. (I called Reese multiple times before and during the training.) We started on a Monday morning and after practicing, drinking, coloring, and talking for over 2 hours, he finally got up from the table and told me he had to go pee. I was thrilled! He promptly peed and pooped and I thought we were golden. Then he had accidents the rest of the day. Awesome. I decided to bag the training for a couple weeks while we worked on listening and obeying right away and getting out of bed on his own. (Until this time he would still wait in bed for us to get him.) Two days later, he told me he didn't want to wear a diaper or underwear. Anywhere closer to no diapers works for me so I let him try it. He stayed dry the entire time and peed before his nap that day. I was encouraged so we tried it again the next day. He surprised me and had no accidents. We were on our way! Two days later we took away diapers at night and 4 days after that, dry all day and night. A complete success and I highly recommend this method. It is hard and frustrating but so worth the results. I am still amazed when I am in the kitchen and hear the toilet flush. I honestly thought it was going to be a long drawn out process after the first day but God gave us much grace and the method really does work!
We're still working on moving away from everyone while peeing in the grass.
what a fun birthday idea! and i love the boobie, i mean cowboy hat, cupcakes! good job! ;)
I can't believe how old he is, he looks more like a boy every post I swear! I also like the boob-cakes, very creative :)
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