So, I have been waiting for Peter to post his grizzly pictures from Alaska before I posted anything new. I guess that isn't going to happen any time soon so here is what we have been up to lately.
Summer decided to come in September this year so we have been playing outside as much as possible. There is such a difference in how my kids sleep when they get an abundance of fresh air. Our yard is such a blessing and we have enjoyed the pleasures as well as the work of having it.

Peter dressed Joel this day and later realized he was all in blue. He told Kale we should call Joel "Blueberry Joel". Seems appropriate since blueberries are one of Joel's favorite foods.

Having a fire pit is very fun and K loves a good smore, as anyone should. When Peter went to London in July, they didn't even know what a smore was!

Oh the ways a bowl of water can entertain. Joel loves splashing. So much so that when they are in the bath together, Kale often is the one telling Joel to stop all the splashing.

I love getting to know this boy!

My 3 favorites.

Buzz Lightyear

This buddy is into everything, especially anything to do with food.
Soon to come-Kale turns 3 and no more diapers!
you have such cute boys. thanks for the update. i need to do that too!
Well it was about time. Such fun to see you guys today. I am reminded anew of how I miss time with you!
OK I forgive you for not posting in so long b/c this post really makes up for it! Love the video and all the terrific shots of the boys!
Yay! Thank you for posting! Could you possibly post the lyrics to the Fire Song? I think we have a top ten hit in the making!!
What a great shot with the gum bubble! Quick camera!
hey, just had greg stay with me last night... so i was thinking of you guys! the next time you go to juneau you should let me know. i won't be running the B&B next summer, so i could probably run down to see you. you guys are looking good and happy!
That video was so great! Your kids are absolutely adorable!
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