The day after Christmas found us trying out the boys' new sled.

Pete and Kale on the first run. Kale loved it and was fearless!

Joel wasn't as impressed and only took a couple runs.

K getting Uncle Jonny with a snowball.

A sled and a shield from snowballs.

Papa Ray, Joel, and Kale.

Oops, lost him.

Kale on Uncle Jon's back going backwards.

Peter talked me into going down once. It wasn't as scary as long as I kept my eyes closed.

Papa Ray and Kale

Clearly he did not get the memo that sledding is scary! However, the next time we went he tried going like this and flipped over. It was a short trip.
great shops! it's fun to see Kale trying new things and being brave :) The hat seems a little big...it will last many seasons!
YAY! I love the pics, especially the one with your eyes screwed shut.
We like shorter hills ourselves - that one on Oak seems so BIG and ice-covered! I'm sure Rob & Blake would love it...
i can't believe you think sledding is scary! i love it. so fun. i just really hate having to hoof it up the hill. love the pics.
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