play-dough recipe has been a life saver this winter. Kale likes to help make it and LOVES playing with it. He pretends it is dirt and drives his trucks in it. Seriously, the other day he played with it for almost 2 hours. Quietly. It was awesome.

Joel joins the fun in his own special way.

Kale got some cooking things for Christmas and has put them to good use.

Meet our snowman Bernie. He watched our every move until his head melted off last week. I can't say I miss him all that much.

Little Jobey has become quite the little ham. Lately he has been into wearing Kale's cowboy hat and backpack around the house.

He thinks he is pretty cute and I might have to agree.

This is Kale's spiderman outfit. Socks on his hands and his hat pulled over his eyes.

Joel of course has to wear a green hat as well.

He's very into hats these days.
I would be into hats too, if I looked that cute in them. I LOVE Kale's Spidey-suit!
joel is such a doll. seriously, he is so cute. as is kale and he just crack me up. i think i would die and go to heaven if blake played with something quietly for 2 hours.
So many great pictures and fun times. I had lots to catch up on here.....always fun to catch up on your life though. Love you
Love the pictures. All so wonderful, thanks for posting! I have to admit Bernie's a little creepy. I like that Kale is sitting on the couch looking at him...was he carrying on a conversation with him...if so we're definitely related :)
Is Bernie a smoker???
lol, Joanie I wondered the same thing:)
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