should we post something on here just for the sake of posting or wait until we have something worthwhile to post? i don't have the answer to the question but here are some pictures just for the sake of posting...
jack and kale sizing eachother up
must be a guy thing
much bigger fan of tummy time now
(posted by naomi)
My vote? Post just for the sake of posting by all means!!! I was hoping there would be new pictures before you took off for Billings. You could post everyday and it would be just fine with me. I'd say you have reason enough to post just because there are so many people checking to see if you have!
Love you all!
I agree with mom, I check everyday for new pictures!!
Love, Vanessa
-oh yes, you should try to come up for districts!! week of valentine's day!
I vote for a continuously running web-cam! With sounds and smells.
This blog is so fabulous!
Thank you Naomi and Peter (and Kalebug) for taking the time and energy to keep it up!
Oma Becky
I agree with all three women. I check everyday. So post for the sake of posting if you have the time. We love to see all three of you each and every day!
love you guys!
Love your blog and frequent posting...keep it up! Kale is a bit younger than my grandson, so I love to see him learn and experience the same skills. This "tummy time" one is priceless! He is such a charmer.
my email address is
If you don't mind...I am curious about what medicine you were on during pregnancy...I am just a worry wart! I would appreciate it...THANKS!
By the way...your little man is as CUTE as ever!
Naomi, you should always post for the sake of posting. He's a love, and I miss you all, and this is my fix! Besides, just think of how often you check everyone else's blogs...we need YOU too. :)
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