My husband blessed me by letting me take a long weekend away with some girlfriends a few weeks ago. We trekked down to Salt Lake City and had a glorious time without our children. They were in wonderful hands and our husbands now better appreciate what we do every day. My boys gave Peter all they had and he did a fantastic job. When I got home, the kids were eating, the house was clean, laundry was done AND put away, and dinner was made. It was the perfect end to a great time with my dear friends.
Joel takes full advantage of any time we are not watching him. I received this picture in an email while in SLC. He is crying because Peter took the butt paste away from him.
Too cute. I love that Joel eats EVERYTHING, I mean, it really makes me smile. I giggled for awhile about the Butt paste... yuck, his eyes are outstanding in that picture though.
LOL...butt paste...NO! Gross! Love the pics, every last one :)
classic on the butt paste! and i'm about to look like you with two boys suffocating my space! is it easier than i'm thinking it's going to be???? i'm getting nervous.
What a treat to get away! That is great Peter got to experience all the perks of being home all day and night with the boys! oh-and your boys are cuties-look like they keep your hands full!
So great - Joel really looks like Peter to me in these pics! I'm glad you girls all got to go play and that the husbands did such a stellar job. Hurrays all around!
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